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Doctor talking to a patient

A look over the shoulder at a doctor's surgery: ‘The ePA is essential’

The electronic patient record (ePA) will also be indispensable for medical practices in the future. In this interview, doctor Stefan Spieren talks about his positive experiences with the electronic patient record and explains the benefits for medical professionals and how he motivates his patients to use it.


Der Experte zum Thema

Stefan Spieren MBA

Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin und Allgemeinchirurgie in Wenden

Mr Spieren, what experiences have you had with the electronic patient file (ePA) in your practice so far?


So far, the response has been predominantly positive - although not many patients are yet using the ePA. However, many report that they want to do so when access becomes easier. I therefore firmly believe that use will increase significantly with the introduction of the ePA for everyone from 2025.

Stefan Spieren MBA


How do you encourage your patients to use them?


We provide them with comprehensive information about the benefits. By providing information and assistance, we make it easier to get started and promote confidence in the system.

Stefan Spieren MBA


In your opinion, what are the biggest advantages of the ePA for healthcare professionals?


That the overview of previous illnesses and reports from colleagues are much more accessible. This enables us to make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary duplicate examinations. It also saves us from having to scan letters, thus reducing the workload of the entire practice team.

Stefan Spieren MBA


How do you organise the introduction of the ePA in your practice?


We are already holding regular discussions with the practice team. All employees are interested, are aware of the benefits and already feel confident in using it thanks to training courses. Feedback sessions help us to quickly identify and resolve any challenges. And we already offer digital training for patients - I also see room for the introduction of the ePA.

Stefan Spieren MBA


Do you have the impression that the ePA contributes to better patient care? 


Definitely. The relevant information will be available anytime and anywhere. This will allow more comprehensive and accurate diagnoses to be made and treatment plans to be customised and better coordinated. And the ePA significantly reduces bureaucracy by digitising documentation and simplifying communication between those involved. This saves time and resources that we can invest directly in patient care.

Stefan Spieren MBA


How do patients benefit from using electronic patient records?


Patients have a better overview of their health data and receive seamless care. They have the opportunity to actively participate in their health management and always have important information at their fingertips.

Stefan Spieren MBA


What data are you authorised to view as a doctor?


I have access to all medically relevant data that the patient has released in the ePA, including diagnoses, medication plans and treatment histories. This information is essential for comprehensive and precise medical care. 

Stefan Spieren MBA


How do patients influence what their doctor saves and views on the ePA?


Patients are always in control of their own data and can decide for themselves what information they want to share. However, it is important that they communicate openly with us if they do not wish to share certain information so that we can respect their wishes.

Stefan Spieren MBA


Which ePA functions do you use most frequently in your day-to-day work?


When the ePA is up and running ‘properly’, we will certainly use it most frequently to access current medication plans, exchange findings with specialists and document treatment results. The ePA has a lot of potential, so we assume that this will only be the beginning.

Stefan Spieren MBA


How has collaboration with other healthcare providers changed as a result of the ePA?


Communication will most likely become much more efficient and coordinated - but this requires everyone involved to participate. We still see a lot of catching up to do here so that information can be exchanged securely and quickly.

Stefan Spieren MBA


What further developments or additional functions would you like to see in the ePA?


I would like to see greater integration with other digital healthcare systems and improved support for mobile applications. In addition, intelligent filter systems and a kind of automatic prioritisation of illnesses, diagnoses and so on. AMTS (drug therapy safety, editor's note) will certainly also play a major role.

Stefan Spieren MBA


In one sentence: Why do we absolutely need the ePA?


The ePA is essential because it revolutionises medical care, increases patient safety and significantly improves efficiency in the healthcare sector.

Stefan Spieren MBA
